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Just Another Travel Blog

14. Sept. 20242 Min. Lesezeit
Off the beaten trail - North Macedonia
When you visit new places, you come across things you expected, some things that raise your eyebrow a bit, and some things that you...
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11. Feb. 20244 Min. Lesezeit
Skopje - a somewhat silly capital
With Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Albania as its neighbors, North Macedonia is a small landlocked country in the Balkans -...
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5. Feb. 20233 Min. Lesezeit
Staying in a Capsule Hotel
Space is a rare commodity in Japan. The Capsule Hotels (カプセルホテル) are the embodiment of this fact, the most space-saving type of...
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26. Sept. 202110 Min. Lesezeit
The long walk - Mammutmarsch NRW - 100km in 24h
The question "Why" actually never came to mind throughout the day - which might be a tad surprising, given we had just endured 24 hours...
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31. Mai 20214 Min. Lesezeit
Hiking Through the "Green Hell" - Hürtgen Forest
In Germany, the past is never far away. You can experience it in the century old castles everywhere, its cities, of which many go back to...
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1. Nov. 20205 Min. Lesezeit
The most pleasant places on Earth - Part II
It's still 2020, the year in which most of us have gotten to know our own apartments a lot better. Since I don't have a sourdough kit to...
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25. Okt. 20203 Min. Lesezeit
The most pleasant places on Earth - Part I
2020 is a strange year to write down travel stories, but it is a definitely a good year to jump into old folders and reminisce a bit. And...
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11. Okt. 20202 Min. Lesezeit
Nicosia - A tale of two (?) cities
2020 is a weird year to write any travel-related post, but given that Cyprus has been in the news quite a bit recently and military...
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27. Juli 20204 Min. Lesezeit
Central Asia - Through the Vastness
Following the first post on the basics, and one on Kazakhstan's strange capital, and search for identity, let's take a closer look at...
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14. Juli 20204 Min. Lesezeit
Kazakhstan - The (Almost) Unknown Giant
While some basics on Kazakhstan were covered in the first post on the country, I want to pick up a theme that stuck with me during the...
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27. Nov. 20195 Min. Lesezeit
Kazakhstan - Covering the Basics
Visa, Money, Health & Safety - what should you be aware of when you're planning to go to Kazakhstan?
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18. Juli 20195 Min. Lesezeit
Cruising around Crete
Deep valleys and caves, snow-covered mountains, rugged volcanic coastlines and turquoise water, often just minutes apart: Crete -...
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24. März 20195 Min. Lesezeit
Sarajevo - The Past, The Present, and SpongeBob
Sarajevo - the name of the city resonates in the mind, as memories of watching the news in the 90s bubble up. But there is more to the city
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26. Feb. 20195 Min. Lesezeit
Mostar - History in Motion
It's complicated. That's what becomes clear quite quickly when one travels through the Balkans. Nowhere else is that quite as evide
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13. Feb. 20196 Min. Lesezeit
Discovering Montenegro
Montenegro is a small country. However, for its size, the country offers a surprising variety of beautiful landscapes.
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18. Juli 20184 Min. Lesezeit
Japan: Never-ending discoveries
The moment you step out of the plane, Japan surrounds and saturates you in an almost tangible way. Here are a few snippets to give a glimpse
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19. Jan. 20176 Min. Lesezeit
Across the Caucasus - Armenia and Georgia
While Georgia and Armenia are not the largest countries in the world, the variety of impressions they offer is impressive. Find out more in
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9. Jan. 20176 Min. Lesezeit
Georgia - Between East and West
Just a quick 3:30h flight away from Germany, Georgia can be reached quite easily, but is yet to be discovered by tourism on a larger scale.
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22. Dez. 20167 Min. Lesezeit
Iran - From Yazd, Esfahan, Kashan to Tehran
Following our tour from Tehran to Shiraz we zig-zagged our way back to the capital: from Yazd
to Esfahan, on to Kashan and to Tehran
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26. Okt. 20167 Min. Lesezeit
Iran - From Tehran to Shiraz
Maybe it's the rich cultural heritage of ancient Persia, maybe it's the warm hospitality of its people - Iran is a great country to
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